Dear reader,
Vincent here, founder and coordinator of Iguality. I am writing you this message to sincerely thank you for your support to Iguality during 2023, and to share with you the impact and progress we have made so far.
Since our foundation last year August, with your support and from the help of all of our amazing Volunteers, Partners, Donors and Ambassadors, we have been able to:
Offer psychosocial support to more than 41 people with over 23 different nationalities and a 50/50 gender balance;
Offer 10 sessions on average to each person receiving our psychosocial support, with an average session duration of 1.25hs and overall average support period of 154 days;
Offer more than 630 hours of psychosocial support by our amazing volunteer therapists, in more than 440 sessions in total;
Carry out more than 32 sessions of street football in Raval managed by our sports volunteer Carlos to foster community building;
Carry out a fantastic cycling event – The Ride for Iguality – to raise awareness about mental health and our organisation, and;
Add more services to our support including legal advice and physiotherapy to offer a truly holistic approach of mental health care.
I can’t express in words how all this has impacted the lives of many, but I can share with you the testimonial of someone who recently finished their therapy process with us, which is exemplary for the work of our volunteers:
“Iguality has helped me a lot in critical moments, with its high-quality psychological help. The organisation supports many communities for free – I am sure it really is far beyond what I thought could exist.”
Our work matters, and it is directly helping those in difficult situations deal with the many challenges they face in their lives. We are proud and extremely motivated to continue our work in 2024, and to improve and grow our organisation to become a leading actor in the mental health and nonprofit sector. But our motivation is guided by your support, and I want to thank you once more for being part of our community.
I wish you a great holiday period on behalf of our whole team, and we are looking forward to a strong and impactful 2024!
Kind regards,
Vincent Simon van Grondelle
Founder & Coordinator of Iguality

A big part of our core team during this year’s Ride for Iguality cycling event, to raise awareness about mental health and gather donations for our organisation | Picture by Iguality