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Our Awareness Raising

Advocating for social justice and mental health

At the core of our work is a very strong commitment to increasing mental health and social justice awareness. Through events, talks and online campaigns we highlight the importance of mental well-being, particularly among marginalised demographics.

How do we raise awareness?

Our main methods


We regurarly organise events, often with our partners, to discuss a specific topic, or even a specific community, we believe it’s important to shed light on.

Online Campaigns

Through regular social media posting and our blog page, we bring topics of social justice to the attention of our follower base and beyond.


In order to provide our campaigns and publications with accurate data and information, we also carry out our own research on our work and topics related to our work.


Together we can make the biggest impact, which is why we often collaborate with our nonprofit and private partners to organise workshops and more.

Follow our efforts

Online awareness raising by Iguality