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What do we offer?

Free psychosocial support

Iguality offers free psychosocial support to individuals and communities in marginalised situations and that do not have access to (paid) mental health services easily.

We do this from the strong belief that mental health care should be accessible for all. Read more about our services on this page and request support, or join as us a volunteer.

For whom are our services?

Serving those most in need

We aim to support anyone at risk of social exclusion in or around Barcelona, and who cannot access professional mental health care through private or public health services due to insufficient economic resources, limited availability and/or lack of documentation, including but not limited to:

Refugee and migrant comunities

LGBTQ+ communities

Vulnerable youth

Others at risk of social exclusion

Before requesting our support, please ensure you are aware of the above and also meet the following requirements:

You're older than 18

You don't have any other option to receive mental health care

You're motivated to start a process with weekly sessions

You're located in or around Barcelona

If someone is considered not to be eligible to the services of the program, we will always try to send alternative options to receive support.

What can we support with?

Examples of issues we help with


Anxiety is a persistent state of excessive worry, fear, or unease that can manifest as physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms. 

Identity issues

Identity issues involve feeling uncertain or confused about who you are, including your gender, sexuality, cultural background, or personal beliefs.


Insecurity is a feeling of self-doubt, lack of confidence, or uncertainty about oneself and one’s abilities, often leading to a fear of judgment or rejection by others. 


Loneliness is the feeling of being by yourself and longing for companionship, which can make you feel sad and like something is missing in your life.


Sadness or depression is a strong and lasting feeling of being really down and not finding joy in things, sometimes making you lose interest in other things in life. 

How to request support?

Fill our form

You can request psychosocial support through our form. We will get back to you within 14 to 21 days after carefully reviewing your request. Please keep in mind that we receive many requests and our current waiting time is 1-4 months.

Do you want to help?

Become a volunteer therapist

If you’re a psychologist/therapist and want to support the program, you can apply online to become a volunteer. Please keep these requirements in mind:

Have a Master's degree in psychology (in Spain or abroad) and ideally in Clinical Psychology

Have at least 1 year of (internship) experience with therapy

Are you another NGO?

Collaborate with us

If you work for an NGO and want to refer people to us, please reach out to us to discuss the best way to collaborate.

What can’t we help with?

Specific exceptions

Apart from the requirements mentioned earlier, there are some specific exceptions when we can’t support, where where we will try to refer people somewhere else:

Cases of strong psychiatric disorders

Cases of violent (verbal or physical) behaviour

Cases of disinterest in the offered support

Cases of heavy (post traumatic) trauma

What else do we offer?

A holistic approach to psychosocial support

Sports activities

Weekly football and other activities to foster inclusion and wellbeing through sports.


Sessions to improve physical and mental wellbeing and work on a healthy lifestyle.

LGBTIQ support

Through our partner ACATHI we refer to specialised LGBTIQ support if desired.

Legal advice

With help from an experienced lawyer some basic legal advice can be offered.

Please note that the above services are only available for people receiving our main service of psychosocial support, and are based on availability, so not always guaranteed.