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Vincent Simon van Grondelle

Join our special music event!

In collaboration with Jamming For Good

Join us for a night of music and solidarity at the event organized by Jamming For Good. We are excited to work together to support Iguality, our non-profit organisation in Barcelona that provides free mental health care services to communities at risk of social exclusion.

Come and enjoy great music while supporting an important cause! Your participation and donations will help make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.


Date and time

April 20th, start at 20:00


Central Madrid (location to be confirmed)



Through a donation to support Iguality

The artists

Discover the music!

Experience a captivating blend of Spanish and American music with indie-pop vibes, alongside a soulful journey of funk, soul, and RnB. Get ready to groove and sway to an unforgettable fusion of sounds!

Dani Losa

DJ Set

He is more Madrid than the callos and, although he started as a DJ, he has been building his solo project for years, which draws on styles such as funk, soul or RnB. This time, he will come to delight us with one of those DJ sets that make you wiggle your toes.

Henry Semler Lardner

Indie and Pop

He was born in the USA, grew up in Barcelona and lives in Madrid. He songs mix Spanish and American music and wander between indie and pop until the lyrics stick to you and you can’t stop humming them. Sensitivity and flow. Nothing can go wrong.

This post is written by Vincent Simon van Grondelle

Vincent is coordinator of Iguality and has founded the organisation in 2022. His focus has always been on combating structural inequities and bringing communities together to make a positive social impact in society.