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Building a better future with us

Collaborate with Iguality through CSR

We offer Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) collaborations to generate true Shared Value allowing your company to:

Increase positive brand awareness

Work towards the Sustainable Development Goals (UN)

Meet the requirements of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Scale our support and social impact while using #Tech4Good

Sponsor Iguality with your company and let’s work towards a fairer and more equal society. Together.

What’s in it for you?

A shared value approach with much in return


Raise awareness amongst your employees and let’s organise meaningful talks on mental health, social justice and more.


We can offer insightful and useful educational content to your teams through trainings and courses, or interactive workshops.


Engage your employees in effective and meanfulful volunteer work: maybe your HR manager is also a psychologist?


Show the world you and your teams care and let’s run a shared event, either through online campaigns or through public events.

Meeting global goals

Adhere to ethical and legal requirements by supporting us

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)

Iguality contributes strongly to 4 key SDG’s set by the United Nations, transforming our private donors into direct contributors to these goals.

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Working with us will help your company adhere to the ’24 European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive legislation and requirements.

Talks & workshop examples

We can offer valuable information to your team or at events

“Mental health in the workplace”

In this talk, we discuss the importance of adequate mental health care in the workplace, and how companies and workers can contribute that together to create a healthy work environment. 

“What is mental health?”

In this training, we explain what mental health is, and why it is important to take care of it, just like one’s physical health. We also deep-dive in tools to improve one’s mental health. 

“The state of affairs of mental health in Spain”

In this talk, we discuss the current state of affairs of mental health in Spain and explain the detailled context to understand the challenges and impact on society.

“How tech helps Iguality to offer free mental health care”

In this training, we deep-dive into the tech-side of Iguality and how we use social innovation to offer free mental health care. We can also explain how your organisation can make use of this.

What will you support and help to grow?

Our current impact since August 2022

Individuals helped with psychosocial support

Better quality of life after receiving our support

Hours of free psychosocial support offered

Number of active volunteer therapists involved

  • Support satisfaction rate 94% 94%
  • Volunteer satisfaction rate 95% 95%

What will be your impact?

Make Iguality sustainable and ready for growth

Our team currently exists of volunteers, already making a large social impact. However, we can use your financial support to start building a small team of employees to run the organisation and further construct it, which would allow us to:



Offer more advanced support



Enhance our structure and quality



Reach and support more people

Showcase your involvement

And create positive brand awareness

Not only will your involvement in Iguality generate a wonderful social impact, your organisation will also greatly benefit from marketing and branding advantages:

Your brand represented on our website as our official CSR partner, describing your support in detail

Your involvement and support shared through social media campaigns and mentions

Usage of our branding to showcase your involvement through your own public channels

A case study of a current partner

Global M & Iguality

Global M, an international recruitment agency from the UK, works with Iguality through various ways.

They support Iguality with software licenses, they share partnerships and they have been sending volunteers to help Iguality organise events. Moreover, Global M worked with Iguality with the Ride for Iguality cycling community event, including the participation of their CTO and other employees!

It is a privilege to work with an NGO like Iguality, and the dedication of their team - mainly consisting of volunteers - is incredible to see. Moreover, their CSR opportunities for companies are excellent.

N. Waller
CEO of Global M

Join our next event as partner

The Ride for Iguality 2024

Next September, we’ll be organising the yearly Ride for Iguality, a cycling event to bring together a diverse group of people to raise awareness about mental health through sports, and collect donations for Iguality. Join as a sponsor and/or participant!

Iguality uses #Tech4Good

Social innovation for efficiency and M&E

We embrace technology and innovative tools to minimise time spent on admin and maximise time spent on our work

We utilise low-cost but impactful applications to ensure high-quality Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) of results

Tech companies interested in making a meaningful societal impact will find a valuable partnership with us, where their expertise can further help us providing accessible mental health care.

Interested to collaborate with us?

Make a start today towards a better world


Send us a message through the button below with your questions and we’ll get back to you.


Schedule a call with our founder Vincent, and learn about Iguality and your potential involvement.


Use the button below to make a request to receive a free, customised CSR proposal for your company.


Benevity offers a simple way to connect your company to us for donations and volunteering.