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Sponsorship opportunities

Invest responsible and generate a large social impact with us

Calculate your impact

Use our Impact Calculator

If you want to review the impact of a sponsorship or sponsor us with a different amount that suits your business better, you can use our Impact Calculator by just sliding the amount to your preference.


  • The estimated impact is based for a 1-year sponsorship but can also be spread over a different time period;
  • The estimated impact entails more than just these numbers, and will also include additional support and sports activities.
  • We will customise the Shared Value (what you get in return) based on the sponsorship amount.

Choose your desired sponsorship amount using the slider:

What do you get in return?

Shared Value: benefit from our CSR advantages

Not only will your involvement in Iguality generate a wonderful social impact, your company will also greatly benefit a wide range of advantages:

Your involvement in Iguality can create fantastic positive brand awareness for your company - who wouldn't want to work with a socially responsible company?

Your involvement can help your company meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) and also support you meet new EU regulations relating to social investments.

Your involvement will also benefit you directly, as Iguality can offer your teams talks, training and workshops, and we can create shared social impact events as well.

Answers to Your Questions

What are these finances based on?

We base these numbers mainly on the personnel costs required to coordinate our field-work. Our team members would be paid accordingly to the collective agreements of our sector. The team exists of social workers and psychologists. 

What do I get in return?

As you can see in the different sponsorship tiers, the Shared Value – what you get in return – focus a lot on visibility and positive brand awareness, and receiving training and workshops from Iguality related to Mental Health or other related topics. However, we are open for custom proposals with custom Shared Value. You can find more information here as well.

Would I be the only sponsor?

It depends on the period you would sponsor us, but in most cases, it will be co-sponsorship, and other partners may also receive comparable benefits. Yet, especially in case of the bigger sponsorship tiers, there are opportunities to commit as main sponsor for a certain amount of time.

On what are the impact numbers based?

Iguality has been providing psychosocial support since 2022, with our team members having accumulated years of experience prior to that. By analysing our existing impact statistics we have identified three key metrics: the number of beneficiaries supported, the number of support sessions, the number of volunteers engaged and the number of partners involved. We’ve observed that by enhancing coordination among all stakeholders involved in delivering our high-quality care, we can gradually grow our impact. Essentially, investment in stronger and more consistent coordination leads to increased involvement of volunteers and partners, resulting in having more people receiving consistent mental health care sessions.

For what time period does this sponsorship apply?

The above numbers are based on one-year sponsorships, but this can be flexible. You could also choose to donate an amount above spread over three years, and still benefit from all the advantages. 

Can I get more information about this?

Absolutely. Book a call here, request a custom proposal here or reach out to our contract form here.

Interested to collaborate with us?

Make a start today towards a better world


Send us a message through the button below with your questions and we’ll get back to you.


Schedule a call with our founder Vincent, and learn about Iguality and your potential involvement.


Use the button below to make a request to receive a free, customised CSR proposal for your company.


Benevity offers a simple way to connect your company to us for donations and volunteering.