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Clinical Psychology Internship ’24: will you join us in Barcelona with Erasmus+ support? (CLOSED)
This internship offers a great opportunity to get experience with the nonprofit sector and one-to-one counselling, and working in an innovative, grassroot NGO. You will mainly operate within the main program of ...
The story of our volunteers: their motivation and the impact of their work
Read the story of Veronica, Amber and Andreu: with a mission to continue providing free mental health services, our volunteer therapists are at the heart of making this possible by providing free therapy sessions ...
The foundation of Iguality: our Theory of Change
Our work in providing specialised and essential psychosocial care is grounded in a profound and well-developed Theory of Change. In this publication, you can read the foundation of our organisation, helping to ...
A thank you letter with a review of 2023
2023 was an exciting first year for Iguality, and in this publication we like to thank everyone involved and review our achievements of 2023, before moving on to another amazing year.
Publication of our first Research Report, by Maddy Sewell
We are very happy to publish our first research, carried out by Maddy Sewel, a former research intern at Iguality. The research analysed the acceptability and effectiveness of our cost-free psychosocial support ...
Why do we offer free mental health care?
At Iguality, we strongly believe that by offering, promoting and fostering equal access to mental health care services, we can break this vicious circle of marginalisation and strongly improve the situation of ...

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